East Point Energy Center, LLC (East Point) is seeking authority from the New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (the Siting Board) to construct a 50-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic electric generating facility (the Project) in the Town of Sharon, Schoharie County, New York, pursuant to Article 10 of the New York State Public Service Law (PSL).
Pursuant to PSL § 163 and Section 1000.5 of the Siting Board’s rules (16 NYCRR § 1000.5), East Point submitted paper copies of its Preliminary Scoping Statement (“PSS”) to the Siting Board and the parties identified in 16 NYCRR § 1000.5(c) on November 16, 2018. Hard copies are available for review at the Amsterdam and Fort Hunter Free Libraries and the Town of Florida Town Hall. An electronic copy of the PSS can also be found at the links below.
East Point Energy Center Preliminary Scoping Statement Cover Letter
East Point Energy Center Preliminary Scoping Statement
Appendix B. Copy of East Point PSS Notice
Appendix C. East Point Energy Center PIP Plan
Appendix D. East Point Energy Center Stakeholder List
Appendix E. USFWS Official Species List
Appendix F. East Point_Grassland Breeding Bird Survey Work Plan
Figure 1. Regional Project Location
Figure 2. Project Area and Study Area
Figure 3. Preliminary Buildable Area
Figure 4. Mapped Existing Land Use
Figure 5. Existing Vegetated Cover
Figure 6. Agricultural Districts
Figure 11. Groundwater Aquifers
Figure 13. Mapped Streams and Wetlands